(This interview was taken before the start
of Book One)

Welcome! Today we’re interviewing Bach from new novel Wisteria. You can find out all about Wisteria on this blog, facebook or get it here.
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Tell us about your family.
I have two older brothers,
a father and a step-mother. My father is the Sen of my clan or Pillar. He leads
our clan of a million people and is one of the seven Elders who guide our
realm. This makes my brothers Sen-Sons and we work with our father ensure
stability on our realm.
So, you’re like a prince?
No, I am more like the son
of a governor.
And what should we call your people?
The Family.
Don’t you have a real name? The Family kind of sound generic?
Almost no one knows the
ancient name of our people because we
find names too sacred to just say.
It is hard to see how easily
your people throw names around.
Well you can’t feel that strongly about it, since you told us your
Bach is not my true name. I
just told you, names are highly sacred. Like most of my people, I do not go by
my actual name.
What is your actual name?
(He pauses) I will never
tell you that.
The last person to actually
say it was my mother shortly before the Terran’s killed her.
I’m sorry for your loss.
I do not need your pity.
Still, that must’ve been the scariest moment of your life?
I do not get scared. I
suppose if you were be caged and tortured
by humans for amusement and shortly after those same human’s murdered someone you cared about, you would be terrified.
While that was a terrible
time for me, I was not afraid.
I’ll move on to my next question. If you could apologize to someone
in your past, who would it be?
(He frowns)
Unless you have nothing to apologise for?
You are right. I have
nothing to apologise for and if I did why would I tell you Terran?
Morning Person? Or Night Person? How do you know?
I am a night person. I find
the darkness and cooler air better for contemplating.
What makes you happy?
I will be happy once my
Great Walk is done.
The Great Walk?
It is a 1,000 day journey
away from our home realm. It is a rite of passage teenagers take to see more of
the realms around them and develop the skills required to live as adults. Mind
was to come to Terra, or Earth as you call it and watch the zombie destroy your
Wait you want to watch us get destroyed? Do you even care about your
own safety? Eventually the zombies will come after you.
First the infected don’t
come after The Family, because they cannot sense us unless we let them. Second
I can control them telepathically—if I wanted to. Third, I’m immune to the Nero
virus, so their bite has no effect on me and finally, I am faster and stronger
than any Terran which means, I would be
able to kill a zombie long before it was even a threat to me.
Why don’t you help the humans?
Why should I after what
they did to my mother? The Terrans created the virus, so they should figure out
how to deal with it or it will deal with them.
You can’t mean that.
Did I stutter? The Terran’s
killed my mother. I do not care what happens to them.
Isn’t here a single human you care about?
There was this girl when I
was younger... No, the Terrans mean nothing to me.
Is there a piece of advice that you have received that has really
stuck with you? If so, what was it?
It was something my father
said, “The Family and Humans can never commune. That was the way it was in the
beginning and the way is shall be forever.”
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